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Bilingual Stream

-state-authorised bilingual integrated secondary school-

Bilingual Stream: a bilingual English/German stream for students with German nationality and for students who will be in Berlin over the long term. In this stream we offer a combination of the local Berlin curriculum framework (Berliner Rahmenlehrplan) merged with an international curriculum. Students attending the bilingual stream must be fluent in written and spoken German. 

Students are taught in German for the following subjects: Geschichte (History), Ethik (Ethics), Politische Bildung (Political Education), WAT (Economics-Work-Technology) and PE. In the case of Mathematik (Mathematics), the subject is taught in both German and English by bilingual members of the Maths department.

Secondary students enjoying their lunch break outside
Secondary students celebrating the Holi festival
Secondary students sitting at their desk during a lesson

All students at Secondary School receive reports in English. Students in the bilingual stream additionally receive a German grade report with German numerical grades.

From Monday to Thursday the school offers before school supervision from 8:00, Friday's school day begins at 8:15. Lessons begin at 8:30 and end at 15:20. The school day ends at 16:00. Students who wish to avail of the After School Clubs also have the opportunity to stay until 16:30.

In Grades 9 and 10, students are prepared for their German MSA (Mittlerer Schulabschluss; i.e. German intermediate school-leaving qualification) as well as their International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) examinations. Students sit both the MSA and IGCSE exams in Grade 10 in the spring.

Bilingual students who wish to go on to take the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) in Grades 11 and 12 are required to gain four IGCSEs at Grade C or above including English and Maths, and to have successfully completed all MSA examinations (with an overall score from 1,0 - 3,0). 

The IB Diploma is offered in English only.
We do not offer the Abitur as a school-leaving qualification.

Overview of Course Outlines

Useful Documents & Links