Pastoral Care
The Heart of our Educational Philosophy
At Early Years and Primary School, the class teacher, and in the Secondary School the form tutor, are responsible for the general well-being, as well as the academic development, of their students. We want the time they spend at the school to be a happy and secure one. Therefore, great value is attached to Pastoral Care at Berlin British School and class teachers and form tutors closely cooperate with the Pastoral Head of the school.
In order to help our students flourish at Berlin British School, we expect tutor groups to make a notable contribution to the social life of the school, not least by undertaking charity events and activities designed to keep up and improve the appearance of the site.
We feel strongly that members of Berlin British School should be valued and acknowledged for their achievements. So, for example, students are awarded house points for good work or impressive contributions to school life. All our students are eligible to receive the awards issued at the end of each term.
Considerable efforts are maintained in order to ensure that bullying is not a feature of life at Berlin British School. We follow a very strict and clear policy on what is known as “cyberbullying.“
The pastoral welfare of your child is of paramount interest to teachers at Berlin British School. A focus on open communication with parents and addressing problems before they escalate, as well as recognising the great things the students bring to the school – all of this means that our students should thrive in the positive environment that Berlin British School offers.