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PHSE and Ethik

PHSE and Ethik

The autumn term saw Miss Gupta, Frau Lintfert and Miss Thomas go to great lengths to develop the PHSE and Ethik programmes at Berlin British School. 

The teachers above have integrated what is taught in Ethik classes with the lessons in Personal Health and Social Education (PHSE) provided to Monolingual students. This has been undertaken to ensure that children in both the Monolingual and Bilingual systems are receiving roughly the same instruction in how to live their lives in our complicated society. 

Both Ethik and PHSE seek to address all sorts of issues of great importance in young people's lives today, from the role of technology to the nature of political systems. It could be said that these subjects are in some ways the most important in the students´ timetables.  

One of the pictures accompanying this text shows students debating issues such as human rights. In the other photograph, members of the PHSE class in Grade 7 are presenting work on bullying.  

This year has also seen the consolidation of the twenty minute slot from 8.40-9.00 every Monday morning. Such an arrangement involves a slight adjustment to the timings of the morning lessons and a shortened lunch break. However, the "tutor slot" is worth the inconvenience: this period of time spent together means that the tutor and form can discuss the same topical issues covered in Ethik and PHSE. Assemblies taking place during this time achieve the same purpose.