Holi Festival 2023
Dominic Coutts, Head of Secondary
On the last day of the spring term at BBS Secondary, students, parents and staff celebrated Holi, 'the festival of colours', which is a famous festival in India as well as in neighbouring countries. Holi is also celebrated all over the world. The Hindu festival is usually held in March and marks the beginning of spring.
As part of this auspicious occasion, students in Grades 6 to 11 demonstrated their talents through a programme that included dance, music, and songs.
Many thanks to Mrs Zahran and the PTA and to Miss Gupta, Dr Sargent, Mr Tietjen and Ms Keil for their role in inspiring and orchestrating the Holi festival at school today.
All of the performances during the first half of the event were of the first order, testifying to enormous dedication and talent on the part of the students involved. Well done to everyone.
After the performances students (and some staff) took part in the scattering of the gulal colours, which symbolises the spreading of love, happiness and unity. You can see the results in the photos.