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Varsity Boys and Girls Badminton

Varsity Boys and Girls Badminton

On Friday 6th and Saturday 7th December, Berlin British School hosted the annual Varsity boys and girls GISST Badminton tournament for the first time in four years. The visiting schools had a great time, as did the three Berlin schools. By the end of the tournament there were many sore arms and legs from so much play but all of those involved acquitted themselves with honour. Everyone had plenty of fun and gained lots of experience.

All the schools, both visiting and local, have asked for us to host it again next year. That’s a great compliment to BBS.

Four of our CAS students, Max, William, Demid and Anna, gave up their time on a Saturday to help make the stall a great success, as well as raising €131 for Laughing Hearts

The PE department wishes everyone a lovely Christmas break.

Mr. Nicholson