A Place to Find Your Favourite Books
We want our students to develop a lifelong love of reading and the skills necessary to become a successful independent learner.
We believe that reading for pleasure opens up young minds to the lives of others from different cultures and time periods. As a result students develop empathy, compassion and curiosity for others and the world around them.
Librarian Primary School: Elizabeth Hayes
Librarian Secondary School: Maria Gardzish
Early Years
Primary School classes visit the Library once a week. During these sessions, the students may choose two books (K3 and Grade 1) or five books (Grade 2-5) to take home and return the following week. Books on loan can be renewed on request. During Library sessions, the children will also listen to stories, learn library skills and conduct research. The teachers and librarian offer guidance to students when browsing for books and we aim to encourage students to enjoy a wide variety of books, while allowing them the freedom to make their own choices.
In addition to the class visits, the Library is open every day between 12:50 and 13:20 for Library Club and children are welcome to come and read, browse and check out books.
Secondary School
We also have a range of magazines that are subject related and come on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis.
For example:
Economic review
English review
Geography review
Scientific American
The Economist
Der Spiegel
Süddeutsche Zeitung Langstrecke
The Times Literary Supplement
The London Review of Books
and (free online access)
At BBS we recognise the importance of reading for pleasure from the earliest ages. We encourage parents to read aloud with their children every day.
Early Years children visit the library at Kita once a week. They have access to a wide variety of books in the classroom and are allowed to take home two books every Friday to share with their families.
Primary School
The Primary Library has almost 14,000 books in English and German with a small collection of 'Home Language' books. New books are purchased on a regular basis and students can request books they would like us to have in the Library through our ‘Suggestions Box’. The Library collection is made up of fiction and non-fiction texts to encourage students to read for pleasure and/or information as well as supporting the BBS curriculum and the development of the IB Learner Profile.
The Librarian regularly creates displays at the entrance to the Library on various themes such as ‘Back to School’, ‘Halloween’ or ‘Poetry’.
These displays are designed to highlight our print collection and promote our ultimate aim of developing in our students a life-long love of reading.
The Secondary School librarian works closely with other members of staff to make sure the library has the books students need to support their studies. The library also contains a wide range of entertaining and challenging fiction. Students will find both classic and modern novels, including many in graphic form. The library is a working space and at times may be used for lessons. It is open throughout the day for students to use for reading and private study. Computers are also available and there is online access. Internet use is permitted within the framework set.
New Year - New Hobby?
Are you looking for a new hobby that will make you happy? A hobby that will awaken your creativity? Are you looking for fun? Then you've come to the right place. There are many books in our Primary library that will help you find your new hobby.
We have different library displays on different topics throughout the year that reflect the time of year or projects that the students have been working on.