The Berlin British School gGmbH is a private school, subject to school fees. We want to ensure that all parents feel informed about our school fees. Our annual school fees and additional fees are set out below.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
Annual School Fees
Early Years/ Kita
Kita-Fees 2024-2025
International School / Ergänzungsschule
Ersatzschule (staatl. anerkannte bilinguale Grundschule & staatl. genehmigte bilinguale Sekundarschule)
Additional Fees (Potential)
School Governance
The Berlin British School gGmbH is a not-for-profit limited company through which the School conducts its operations. All of the company's shares are owned by the Berlin British School e.V., a ‘Registered Association’ under German law.
This Association's purpose is the promotion of British education and culture in Germany. The role of the Board of the Association is similar to that of a school's Board of Governors in the UK.