Our Commitment to Safeguarding
At Berlin British School we believe that everyone has the right to be protected against abuse and neglect. The welfare of young people in our care is paramount.
All our employees have a duty of care and are expected to be vigilant where there are concerns about a young person's welfare or safety.
All staff at BBS are regularly trained and updated on all the most recent child protection and safeguarding regulations.
We have a written policy in both English and German and procedures in place with regard to child protection and safeguarding concerns. These are in line with German child protection laws.
Ms Fiona Lagodzinska is the chairperson of the Safeguarding Committee
and is based at our Early Years site.
These are the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leaders on each site:
Early Years: Nicki Cheesewright
Primary School: Mark Stephenson
Secondary School: Emily Thomas and Marita Lintfert
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Kinderschutz und KindersicherheiTSRICHTLINIEN